Module Clang.Decl

AST declarations as ordered types.

type t = Ast.decl
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
module Set : Stdcompat.Set.S with type Set.elt = t
module Map : Stdcompat.Map.S with type Map.key = t
val of_cxcursor : ?⁠options:Ast.Options.t -> cxcursor -> t

of_cxcursor ?options cu translates cu into its high-level representation, supposing that cu points to a declaration.

val get_typedef_underlying_type : ?⁠options:Ast.Options.t -> t -> Type.t

get_declaration ?options decl returns the underlying type of a typedef decl. It is equivalent to Clang.Type.of_cxtype ?options (Clang.get_typedef_decl_underlying_type (Clang.Ast.cursor_of_node decl)).

val get_field_bit_width : t -> int

get_field_bit_width d returns the bit width of the field declaration d.