Module Clang

Low-level interface

The module includes Clang__bindings which contains the auto-generated wrappers over libclang and some extensions defined in libclang_extensions.h.

include module type of sig ... end
external get_build_session_timestamp : unit -> int = "clang_getBuildSessionTimestamp_wrapper"
type cxvirtualfileoverlay = Clang__bindings.cxvirtualfileoverlay
external virtual_file_overlay_create : int -> cxvirtualfileoverlay = "clang_VirtualFileOverlay_create_wrapper"
type cxerrorcode = Clang__bindings.cxerrorcode =
| Failure
| Crashed
| InvalidArguments
| ASTReadError
external virtual_file_overlay_add_file_mapping : cxvirtualfileoverlay -> virtual_path:string -> real_path:string -> (unit, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_VirtualFileOverlay_addFileMapping_wrapper"
external virtual_file_overlay_set_case_sensitivity : cxvirtualfileoverlay -> int -> (unit, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_VirtualFileOverlay_setCaseSensitivity_wrapper"
external virtual_file_overlay_write_to_buffer : cxvirtualfileoverlay -> int -> (string, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_VirtualFileOverlay_writeToBuffer_wrapper"
type cxmodulemapdescriptor = Clang__bindings.cxmodulemapdescriptor
external module_map_descriptor_create : int -> cxmodulemapdescriptor = "clang_ModuleMapDescriptor_create_wrapper"
external module_map_descriptor_set_framework_module_name : cxmodulemapdescriptor -> string -> (unit, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_ModuleMapDescriptor_setFrameworkModuleName_wrapper"
external module_map_descriptor_set_umbrella_header : cxmodulemapdescriptor -> string -> (unit, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_ModuleMapDescriptor_setUmbrellaHeader_wrapper"
external module_map_descriptor_write_to_buffer : cxmodulemapdescriptor -> int -> (string, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_ModuleMapDescriptor_writeToBuffer_wrapper"
type cxindex = Clang__bindings.cxindex
external create_index : exclude_declarations_from_pch:bool -> display_diagnostics:bool -> cxindex = "clang_createIndex_wrapper"
external cxindex_set_global_options : cxindex -> Cxglobaloptflags.t -> unit = "clang_CXIndex_setGlobalOptions_wrapper"
external cxindex_get_global_options : cxindex -> Cxglobaloptflags.t = "clang_CXIndex_getGlobalOptions_wrapper"
external cxindex_set_invocation_emission_path_option : cxindex -> string -> unit = "clang_CXIndex_setInvocationEmissionPathOption_wrapper"
type cxfile = Clang__bindings.cxfile
external get_file_name : cxfile -> string = "clang_getFileName_wrapper"
external get_file_time : cxfile -> int = "clang_getFileTime_wrapper"
type cxfileuniqueid = int * int * int
external get_file_unique_id : cxfile -> cxfileuniqueid option = "clang_getFileUniqueID_wrapper"
type cxtranslationunit = Clang__bindings.cxtranslationunit
external is_file_multiple_include_guarded : cxtranslationunit -> cxfile -> bool = "clang_isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded_wrapper"
external get_file : cxtranslationunit -> string -> cxfile = "clang_getFile_wrapper"
external get_file_contents : cxtranslationunit -> cxfile -> string option = "clang_getFileContents_wrapper"
external file_is_equal : cxfile -> cxfile -> bool = "clang_File_isEqual_wrapper"
type cxsourcelocation = Clang__bindings.cxsourcelocation
external get_null_location : unit -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getNullLocation_wrapper"
external equal_locations : cxsourcelocation -> cxsourcelocation -> bool = "clang_equalLocations_wrapper"
external get_location : cxtranslationunit -> cxfile -> line:int -> column:int -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getLocation_wrapper"
external get_location_for_offset : cxtranslationunit -> cxfile -> int -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getLocationForOffset_wrapper"
external location_is_in_system_header : cxsourcelocation -> bool = "clang_Location_isInSystemHeader_wrapper"
external location_is_from_main_file : cxsourcelocation -> bool = "clang_Location_isFromMainFile_wrapper"
type cxsourcerange = Clang__bindings.cxsourcerange
external get_null_range : unit -> cxsourcerange = "clang_getNullRange_wrapper"
external get_range : cxsourcelocation -> cxsourcelocation -> cxsourcerange = "clang_getRange_wrapper"
external equal_ranges : cxsourcerange -> cxsourcerange -> bool = "clang_equalRanges_wrapper"
external range_is_null : cxsourcerange -> bool = "clang_Range_isNull_wrapper"
external get_expansion_location : cxsourcelocation -> cxfile * int * int * int = "clang_getExpansionLocation_wrapper"
external get_presumed_location : cxsourcelocation -> string * int * int = "clang_getPresumedLocation_wrapper"
external get_instantiation_location : cxsourcelocation -> cxfile * int * int * int = "clang_getInstantiationLocation_wrapper"
external get_spelling_location : cxsourcelocation -> cxfile * int * int * int = "clang_getSpellingLocation_wrapper"
external get_file_location : cxsourcelocation -> cxfile * int * int * int = "clang_getFileLocation_wrapper"
external get_range_start : cxsourcerange -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getRangeStart_wrapper"
external get_range_end : cxsourcerange -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getRangeEnd_wrapper"
external get_skipped_ranges : cxtranslationunit -> cxfile -> cxsourcerange array = "clang_getSkippedRanges_wrapper"
external get_all_skipped_ranges : cxtranslationunit -> cxsourcerange array = "clang_getAllSkippedRanges_wrapper"
type cxdiagnosticset = Clang__bindings.cxdiagnosticset
external get_num_diagnostics_in_set : cxdiagnosticset -> int = "clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet_wrapper"
type cxdiagnostic = Clang__bindings.cxdiagnostic
external get_diagnostic_in_set : cxdiagnosticset -> int -> cxdiagnostic = "clang_getDiagnosticInSet_wrapper"
type cxloaddiag_error = Clang__bindings.cxloaddiag_error =
| Unknown
| CannotLoad
| InvalidFile
external load_diagnostics : string -> (cxdiagnosticsetcxloaddiag_error * string) Stdcompat.result = "clang_loadDiagnostics_wrapper"
external get_child_diagnostics : cxdiagnostic -> cxdiagnosticset = "clang_getChildDiagnostics_wrapper"
external get_num_diagnostics : cxtranslationunit -> int = "clang_getNumDiagnostics_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic : cxtranslationunit -> int -> cxdiagnostic = "clang_getDiagnostic_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_set_from_tu : cxtranslationunit -> cxdiagnosticset = "clang_getDiagnosticSetFromTU_wrapper"
external format_diagnostic : cxdiagnostic -> Cxdiagnosticdisplayoptions.t -> string = "clang_formatDiagnostic_wrapper"
external default_diagnostic_display_options : unit -> Cxdiagnosticdisplayoptions.t = "clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions_wrapper"
type cxdiagnosticseverity = Clang__bindings.cxdiagnosticseverity =
| Ignored
| Note
| Warning
| Error
| Fatal
external get_diagnostic_severity : cxdiagnostic -> cxdiagnosticseverity = "clang_getDiagnosticSeverity_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_location : cxdiagnostic -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getDiagnosticLocation_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_spelling : cxdiagnostic -> string = "clang_getDiagnosticSpelling_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_option : cxdiagnostic -> string * string = "clang_getDiagnosticOption_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_category : cxdiagnostic -> int = "clang_getDiagnosticCategory_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_category_text : cxdiagnostic -> string = "clang_getDiagnosticCategoryText_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_num_ranges : cxdiagnostic -> int = "clang_getDiagnosticNumRanges_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_range : cxdiagnostic -> int -> cxsourcerange = "clang_getDiagnosticRange_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_num_fix_its : cxdiagnostic -> int = "clang_getDiagnosticNumFixIts_wrapper"
external get_diagnostic_fix_it : cxdiagnostic -> int -> cxsourcerange -> string * cxsourcerange = "clang_getDiagnosticFixIt_wrapper"
external get_translation_unit_spelling : cxtranslationunit -> string = "clang_getTranslationUnitSpelling_wrapper"
type cxunsavedfile = Clang__bindings.cxunsavedfile = {
filename : string;
contents : string;
external create_translation_unit_from_source_file : cxindex -> string -> string array -> cxunsavedfile array -> cxtranslationunit = "clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile_wrapper"
external create_translation_unit : cxindex -> string -> cxtranslationunit = "clang_createTranslationUnit_wrapper"
external create_translation_unit2 : cxindex -> string -> (cxtranslationunitcxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_createTranslationUnit2_wrapper"
external default_editing_translation_unit_options : unit -> Cxtranslationunit_flags.t = "clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions_wrapper"
external parse_translation_unit : cxindex -> string -> string array -> cxunsavedfile array -> Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> cxtranslationunit option = "clang_parseTranslationUnit_wrapper"
external parse_translation_unit2 : cxindex -> string -> string array -> cxunsavedfile array -> Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> (cxtranslationunitcxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_parseTranslationUnit2_wrapper"
external parse_translation_unit2_full_argv : cxindex -> string -> string array -> cxunsavedfile array -> Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> (cxtranslationunitcxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_parseTranslationUnit2FullArgv_wrapper"
external default_save_options : cxtranslationunit -> int = "clang_defaultSaveOptions_wrapper"
type cxsaveerror = Clang__bindings.cxsaveerror =
| Unknown
| TranslationErrors
| InvalidTU
external save_translation_unit : cxtranslationunit -> string -> Cxsavetranslationunit_flags.t -> (unit, cxsaveerror) Stdcompat.result = "clang_saveTranslationUnit_wrapper"
external suspend_translation_unit : cxtranslationunit -> int = "clang_suspendTranslationUnit_wrapper"
external default_reparse_options : cxtranslationunit -> Cxreparse_flags.t = "clang_defaultReparseOptions_wrapper"
external reparse_translation_unit : cxtranslationunit -> cxunsavedfile array -> Cxreparse_flags.t -> (unit, cxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result = "clang_reparseTranslationUnit_wrapper"
type cxturesourceusagekind = Clang__bindings.cxturesourceusagekind =
| Identifiers
| Selectors
| GlobalCompletionResults
| SourceManagerContentCache
| AST_SideTables
| SourceManager_Membuffer_Malloc
| SourceManager_Membuffer_MMap
| ExternalASTSource_Membuffer_Malloc
| ExternalASTSource_Membuffer_MMap
| Preprocessor
| PreprocessingRecord
| SourceManager_DataStructures
| Preprocessor_HeaderSearch
external get_turesource_usage_name : cxturesourceusagekind -> string = "clang_getTUResourceUsageName_wrapper"
type cxturesourceusage = Clang__bindings.cxturesourceusage
external get_cxturesource_usage : cxtranslationunit -> cxturesourceusage = "clang_getCXTUResourceUsage_wrapper"
type cxtargetinfo = Clang__bindings.cxtargetinfo
external get_translation_unit_target_info : cxtranslationunit -> cxtargetinfo = "clang_getTranslationUnitTargetInfo_wrapper"
external target_info_get_triple : cxtargetinfo -> string = "clang_TargetInfo_getTriple_wrapper"
external target_info_get_pointer_width : cxtargetinfo -> int = "clang_TargetInfo_getPointerWidth_wrapper"
type cxcursorkind = Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind =
| UnexposedDecl
| StructDecl
| UnionDecl
| ClassDecl
| EnumDecl
| FieldDecl
| EnumConstantDecl
| FunctionDecl
| VarDecl
| ParmDecl
| ObjCInterfaceDecl
| ObjCCategoryDecl
| ObjCProtocolDecl
| ObjCPropertyDecl
| ObjCIvarDecl
| ObjCInstanceMethodDecl
| ObjCClassMethodDecl
| ObjCImplementationDecl
| ObjCCategoryImplDecl
| TypedefDecl
| CXXMethod
| Namespace
| LinkageSpec
| Constructor
| Destructor
| ConversionFunction
| TemplateTypeParameter
| NonTypeTemplateParameter
| TemplateTemplateParameter
| FunctionTemplate
| ClassTemplate
| ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization
| NamespaceAlias
| UsingDirective
| UsingDeclaration
| TypeAliasDecl
| ObjCSynthesizeDecl
| ObjCDynamicDecl
| CXXAccessSpecifier
| ObjCSuperClassRef
| ObjCProtocolRef
| ObjCClassRef
| TypeRef
| CXXBaseSpecifier
| TemplateRef
| NamespaceRef
| MemberRef
| LabelRef
| OverloadedDeclRef
| VariableRef
| InvalidFile
| NoDeclFound
| NotImplemented
| InvalidCode
| UnexposedExpr
| DeclRefExpr
| MemberRefExpr
| CallExpr
| ObjCMessageExpr
| BlockExpr
| IntegerLiteral
| FloatingLiteral
| ImaginaryLiteral
| StringLiteral
| CharacterLiteral
| ParenExpr
| UnaryOperator
| ArraySubscriptExpr
| BinaryOperator
| CompoundAssignOperator
| ConditionalOperator
| CStyleCastExpr
| CompoundLiteralExpr
| InitListExpr
| AddrLabelExpr
| StmtExpr
| GenericSelectionExpr
| GNUNullExpr
| CXXStaticCastExpr
| CXXDynamicCastExpr
| CXXReinterpretCastExpr
| CXXConstCastExpr
| CXXFunctionalCastExpr
| CXXTypeidExpr
| CXXBoolLiteralExpr
| CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr
| CXXThisExpr
| CXXThrowExpr
| CXXNewExpr
| CXXDeleteExpr
| UnaryExpr
| ObjCStringLiteral
| ObjCEncodeExpr
| ObjCSelectorExpr
| ObjCProtocolExpr
| ObjCBridgedCastExpr
| PackExpansionExpr
| SizeOfPackExpr
| LambdaExpr
| ObjCBoolLiteralExpr
| ObjCSelfExpr
| OMPArraySectionExpr
| ObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr
| UnexposedStmt
| LabelStmt
| CompoundStmt
| CaseStmt
| DefaultStmt
| IfStmt
| SwitchStmt
| WhileStmt
| DoStmt
| ForStmt
| GotoStmt
| IndirectGotoStmt
| ContinueStmt
| BreakStmt
| ReturnStmt
| GCCAsmStmt
| ObjCAtTryStmt
| ObjCAtCatchStmt
| ObjCAtFinallyStmt
| ObjCAtThrowStmt
| ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt
| ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt
| ObjCForCollectionStmt
| CXXCatchStmt
| CXXTryStmt
| CXXForRangeStmt
| SEHTryStmt
| SEHExceptStmt
| SEHFinallyStmt
| MSAsmStmt
| NullStmt
| DeclStmt
| OMPParallelDirective
| OMPSimdDirective
| OMPForDirective
| OMPSectionsDirective
| OMPSectionDirective
| OMPSingleDirective
| OMPParallelForDirective
| OMPParallelSectionsDirective
| OMPTaskDirective
| OMPMasterDirective
| OMPCriticalDirective
| OMPTaskyieldDirective
| OMPBarrierDirective
| OMPTaskwaitDirective
| OMPFlushDirective
| SEHLeaveStmt
| OMPOrderedDirective
| OMPAtomicDirective
| OMPForSimdDirective
| OMPParallelForSimdDirective
| OMPTargetDirective
| OMPTeamsDirective
| OMPTaskgroupDirective
| OMPCancellationPointDirective
| OMPCancelDirective
| OMPTargetDataDirective
| OMPTaskLoopDirective
| OMPTaskLoopSimdDirective
| OMPDistributeDirective
| OMPTargetEnterDataDirective
| OMPTargetExitDataDirective
| OMPTargetParallelDirective
| OMPTargetParallelForDirective
| OMPTargetUpdateDirective
| OMPDistributeParallelForDirective
| OMPDistributeParallelForSimdDirective
| OMPDistributeSimdDirective
| OMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective
| OMPTargetSimdDirective
| OMPTeamsDistributeDirective
| OMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirective
| OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective
| OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective
| OMPTargetTeamsDirective
| OMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective
| OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective
| OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective
| OMPTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective
| TranslationUnit
| UnexposedAttr
| IBActionAttr
| IBOutletAttr
| IBOutletCollectionAttr
| CXXFinalAttr
| CXXOverrideAttr
| AnnotateAttr
| AsmLabelAttr
| PackedAttr
| PureAttr
| ConstAttr
| NoDuplicateAttr
| CUDAConstantAttr
| CUDADeviceAttr
| CUDAGlobalAttr
| CUDAHostAttr
| CUDASharedAttr
| VisibilityAttr
| DLLExport
| DLLImport
| PreprocessingDirective
| MacroDefinition
| MacroExpansion
| InclusionDirective
| ModuleImportDecl
| TypeAliasTemplateDecl
| StaticAssert
| FriendDecl
| OverloadCandidate
type cxcursor = Clang__bindings.cxcursor
external get_null_cursor : unit -> cxcursor = "clang_getNullCursor_wrapper"
external get_translation_unit_cursor : cxtranslationunit -> cxcursor = "clang_getTranslationUnitCursor_wrapper"
external equal_cursors : cxcursor -> cxcursor -> bool = "clang_equalCursors_wrapper"
external cursor_is_null : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isNull_wrapper"
external hash_cursor : cxcursor -> int = "clang_hashCursor_wrapper"
external get_cursor_kind : cxcursor -> cxcursorkind = "clang_getCursorKind_wrapper"
external is_declaration : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isDeclaration_wrapper"
external is_reference : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isReference_wrapper"
external is_expression : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isExpression_wrapper"
external is_statement : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isStatement_wrapper"
external is_attribute : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isAttribute_wrapper"
external cursor_has_attrs : cxcursor -> int = "clang_Cursor_hasAttrs_wrapper"
external is_invalid : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isInvalid_wrapper"
external is_translation_unit : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isTranslationUnit_wrapper"
external is_preprocessing : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isPreprocessing_wrapper"
external is_unexposed : cxcursorkind -> bool = "clang_isUnexposed_wrapper"
type cxlinkagekind = Clang__bindings.cxlinkagekind =
| Invalid
| NoLinkage
| Internal
| UniqueExternal
| External
val equal_cxlinkagekind : cxlinkagekind -> cxlinkagekind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_cxlinkagekind : cxlinkagekind -> cxlinkagekind ->
val pp_cxlinkagekind : Format.formatter -> cxlinkagekind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_cxlinkagekind : cxlinkagekind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external get_cursor_linkage : cxcursor -> cxlinkagekind = "clang_getCursorLinkage_wrapper"
type cxvisibilitykind = Clang__bindings.cxvisibilitykind =
| Invalid
| Hidden
| Protected
| Default
external get_cursor_visibility : cxcursor -> cxvisibilitykind = "clang_getCursorVisibility_wrapper"
type cxavailabilitykind = Clang__bindings.cxavailabilitykind =
| Available
| Deprecated
| NotAvailable
| NotAccessible
external get_cursor_availability : cxcursor -> cxavailabilitykind = "clang_getCursorAvailability_wrapper"
type cxlanguagekind = Clang__bindings.cxlanguagekind =
| Invalid
| C
| ObjC
| CPlusPlus
external get_cursor_language : cxcursor -> cxlanguagekind = "clang_getCursorLanguage_wrapper"
type cxtlskind = Clang__bindings.cxtlskind =
| None
| Dynamic
| Static
external get_cursor_tlskind : cxcursor -> cxtlskind = "clang_getCursorTLSKind_wrapper"
external cursor_get_translation_unit : cxcursor -> cxtranslationunit = "clang_Cursor_getTranslationUnit_wrapper"
type cxcursorset = Clang__bindings.cxcursorset
external create_cxcursor_set : unit -> cxcursorset = "clang_createCXCursorSet_wrapper"
external cxcursor_set_contains : cxcursorset -> cxcursor -> int = "clang_CXCursorSet_contains_wrapper"
external cxcursor_set_insert : cxcursorset -> cxcursor -> int = "clang_CXCursorSet_insert_wrapper"
external get_cursor_semantic_parent : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_getCursorSemanticParent_wrapper"
external get_cursor_lexical_parent : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_getCursorLexicalParent_wrapper"
external get_overridden_cursors : cxcursor -> string = "clang_getOverriddenCursors_wrapper"
external get_included_file : cxcursor -> cxfile = "clang_getIncludedFile_wrapper"
external get_cursor : cxtranslationunit -> cxsourcelocation -> cxcursor = "clang_getCursor_wrapper"
external get_cursor_location : cxcursor -> cxsourcelocation = "clang_getCursorLocation_wrapper"
external get_cursor_extent : cxcursor -> cxsourcerange = "clang_getCursorExtent_wrapper"
type cxtypekind = Clang__bindings.cxtypekind =
| Invalid
| Unexposed
| Void
| Bool
| Char_U
| UChar
| Char16
| Char32
| UShort
| UInt
| ULong
| ULongLong
| UInt128
| Char_S
| SChar
| WChar
| Short
| Int
| Long
| LongLong
| Int128
| Float
| Double
| LongDouble
| NullPtr
| Overload
| Dependent
| ObjCId
| ObjCClass
| ObjCSel
| Float128
| Half
| Float16
| Complex
| Pointer
| BlockPointer
| LValueReference
| RValueReference
| Record
| Enum
| Typedef
| ObjCInterface
| ObjCObjectPointer
| FunctionNoProto
| FunctionProto
| ConstantArray
| Vector
| IncompleteArray
| VariableArray
| DependentSizedArray
| MemberPointer
| Auto
| Elaborated
| Pipe
| OCLImage1dRO
| OCLImage1dArrayRO
| OCLImage1dBufferRO
| OCLImage2dRO
| OCLImage2dArrayRO
| OCLImage2dDepthRO
| OCLImage2dArrayDepthRO
| OCLImage2dArrayMSAARO
| OCLImage2dMSAADepthRO
| OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepthRO
| OCLImage3dRO
| OCLImage1dWO
| OCLImage1dArrayWO
| OCLImage1dBufferWO
| OCLImage2dWO
| OCLImage2dArrayWO
| OCLImage2dDepthWO
| OCLImage2dArrayDepthWO
| OCLImage2dArrayMSAAWO
| OCLImage2dMSAADepthWO
| OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepthWO
| OCLImage3dWO
| OCLImage1dRW
| OCLImage1dArrayRW
| OCLImage1dBufferRW
| OCLImage2dRW
| OCLImage2dArrayRW
| OCLImage2dDepthRW
| OCLImage2dArrayDepthRW
| OCLImage2dArrayMSAARW
| OCLImage2dMSAADepthRW
| OCLImage2dArrayMSAADepthRW
| OCLImage3dRW
| OCLSampler
| OCLEvent
| OCLQueue
| OCLReserveID
val equal_cxtypekind : cxtypekind -> cxtypekind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_cxtypekind : cxtypekind -> cxtypekind ->
val pp_cxtypekind : Format.formatter -> cxtypekind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_cxtypekind : cxtypekind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type cxtype = Clang__bindings.cxtype
external get_type_kind : cxtype -> cxtypekind = "clang_getTypeKind_wrapper"
external get_cursor_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_getCursorType_wrapper"
external get_type_spelling : cxtype -> string = "clang_getTypeSpelling_wrapper"
external get_typedef_decl_underlying_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_getTypedefDeclUnderlyingType_wrapper"
external get_enum_decl_integer_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_getEnumDeclIntegerType_wrapper"
external get_enum_constant_decl_value : cxcursor -> int = "clang_getEnumConstantDeclValue_wrapper"
external get_enum_constant_decl_unsigned_value : cxcursor -> int = "clang_getEnumConstantDeclUnsignedValue_wrapper"
external get_field_decl_bit_width : cxcursor -> int = "clang_getFieldDeclBitWidth_wrapper"
external cursor_get_num_arguments : cxcursor -> int = "clang_Cursor_getNumArguments_wrapper"
external cursor_get_argument : cxcursor -> int -> cxcursor = "clang_Cursor_getArgument_wrapper"
external cursor_get_num_template_arguments : cxcursor -> int = "clang_Cursor_getNumTemplateArguments_wrapper"
type cxtemplateargumentkind = Clang__bindings.cxtemplateargumentkind =
| Null
| Type
| Declaration
| NullPtr
| Integral
| Template
| TemplateExpansion
| Expression
| Pack
| Invalid
external cursor_get_template_argument_kind : cxcursor -> int -> cxtemplateargumentkind = "clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentKind_wrapper"
external cursor_get_template_argument_type : cxcursor -> int -> cxtype = "clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentType_wrapper"
external cursor_get_template_argument_value : cxcursor -> int -> int = "clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentValue_wrapper"
external cursor_get_template_argument_unsigned_value : cxcursor -> int -> int = "clang_Cursor_getTemplateArgumentUnsignedValue_wrapper"
external equal_types : cxtype -> cxtype -> bool = "clang_equalTypes_wrapper"
external get_canonical_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_getCanonicalType_wrapper"
external is_const_qualified_type : cxtype -> bool = "clang_isConstQualifiedType_wrapper"
external cursor_is_macro_function_like : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isMacroFunctionLike_wrapper"
external cursor_is_macro_builtin : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isMacroBuiltin_wrapper"
external cursor_is_function_inlined : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isFunctionInlined_wrapper"
external is_volatile_qualified_type : cxtype -> bool = "clang_isVolatileQualifiedType_wrapper"
external is_restrict_qualified_type : cxtype -> bool = "clang_isRestrictQualifiedType_wrapper"
external get_address_space : cxtype -> int = "clang_getAddressSpace_wrapper"
external get_typedef_name : cxtype -> string = "clang_getTypedefName_wrapper"
external get_pointee_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_getPointeeType_wrapper"
external get_type_declaration : cxtype -> cxcursor = "clang_getTypeDeclaration_wrapper"
external get_decl_obj_ctype_encoding : cxcursor -> string = "clang_getDeclObjCTypeEncoding_wrapper"
external type_get_obj_cencoding : cxtype -> string = "clang_Type_getObjCEncoding_wrapper"
external get_type_kind_spelling : cxtypekind -> string = "clang_getTypeKindSpelling_wrapper"
type cxcallingconv = Clang__bindings.cxcallingconv =
| Default
| C
| X86StdCall
| X86FastCall
| X86ThisCall
| X86Pascal
| X86RegCall
| IntelOclBicc
| Win64
| X86_64SysV
| X86VectorCall
| Swift
| PreserveMost
| PreserveAll
| Invalid
| Unexposed
val equal_cxcallingconv : cxcallingconv -> cxcallingconv -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_cxcallingconv : cxcallingconv -> cxcallingconv ->
val pp_cxcallingconv : Format.formatter -> cxcallingconv -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_cxcallingconv : cxcallingconv -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external get_function_type_calling_conv : cxtype -> cxcallingconv = "clang_getFunctionTypeCallingConv_wrapper"
external get_result_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_getResultType_wrapper"
external get_exception_specification_type : cxtype -> int = "clang_getExceptionSpecificationType_wrapper"
external get_num_arg_types : cxtype -> int = "clang_getNumArgTypes_wrapper"
external get_arg_type : cxtype -> int -> cxtype = "clang_getArgType_wrapper"
external is_function_type_variadic : cxtype -> bool = "clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic_wrapper"
external get_cursor_result_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_getCursorResultType_wrapper"
external get_cursor_exception_specification_type : cxcursor -> int = "clang_getCursorExceptionSpecificationType_wrapper"
external is_podtype : cxtype -> bool = "clang_isPODType_wrapper"
external get_element_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_getElementType_wrapper"
external get_num_elements : cxtype -> int = "clang_getNumElements_wrapper"
external get_array_element_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_getArrayElementType_wrapper"
external get_array_size : cxtype -> int = "clang_getArraySize_wrapper"
external type_get_named_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_Type_getNamedType_wrapper"
external type_is_transparent_tag_typedef : cxtype -> bool = "clang_Type_isTransparentTagTypedef_wrapper"
external type_get_align_of : cxtype -> int = "clang_Type_getAlignOf_wrapper"
external type_get_class_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_Type_getClassType_wrapper"
external type_get_size_of : cxtype -> int = "clang_Type_getSizeOf_wrapper"
external type_get_offset_of : cxtype -> string -> int = "clang_Type_getOffsetOf_wrapper"
external cursor_get_offset_of_field : cxcursor -> int = "clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField_wrapper"
external cursor_is_anonymous : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isAnonymous_wrapper"
external type_get_num_template_arguments : cxtype -> int = "clang_Type_getNumTemplateArguments_wrapper"
external type_get_template_argument_as_type : cxtype -> int -> cxtype = "clang_Type_getTemplateArgumentAsType_wrapper"
type cxrefqualifierkind = Clang__bindings.cxrefqualifierkind =
| None
| LValue
| RValue
external type_get_cxxref_qualifier : cxtype -> cxrefqualifierkind = "clang_Type_getCXXRefQualifier_wrapper"
external cursor_is_bit_field : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isBitField_wrapper"
external is_virtual_base : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_isVirtualBase_wrapper"
type cx_cxxaccessspecifier = Clang__bindings.cx_cxxaccessspecifier =
| CXXInvalidAccessSpecifier
| CXXPublic
| CXXProtected
| CXXPrivate
external get_cxxaccess_specifier : cxcursor -> cx_cxxaccessspecifier = "clang_getCXXAccessSpecifier_wrapper"
type cx_storageclass = Clang__bindings.cx_storageclass =
| Invalid
| None
| Extern
| Static
| PrivateExtern
| OpenCLWorkGroupLocal
| Auto
| Register
external cursor_get_storage_class : cxcursor -> cx_storageclass = "clang_Cursor_getStorageClass_wrapper"
external get_num_overloaded_decls : cxcursor -> int = "clang_getNumOverloadedDecls_wrapper"
external get_overloaded_decl : cxcursor -> int -> cxcursor = "clang_getOverloadedDecl_wrapper"
external get_iboutlet_collection_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_getIBOutletCollectionType_wrapper"
type cxchildvisitresult = Clang__bindings.cxchildvisitresult =
| Break
| Continue
| Recurse
external visit_children : cxcursor -> (cxcursor -> cxcursor -> cxchildvisitresult) -> bool = "clang_visitChildren_wrapper"
external get_cursor_usr : cxcursor -> string = "clang_getCursorUSR_wrapper"
external get_cursor_spelling : cxcursor -> string = "clang_getCursorSpelling_wrapper"
external cursor_get_spelling_name_range : cxcursor -> piece_index:int -> options:int -> cxsourcerange = "clang_Cursor_getSpellingNameRange_wrapper"
external get_cursor_display_name : cxcursor -> string = "clang_getCursorDisplayName_wrapper"
external get_cursor_referenced : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_getCursorReferenced_wrapper"
external get_cursor_definition : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_getCursorDefinition_wrapper"
external is_cursor_definition : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_isCursorDefinition_wrapper"
external get_canonical_cursor : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_getCanonicalCursor_wrapper"
external cursor_get_obj_cselector_index : cxcursor -> int = "clang_Cursor_getObjCSelectorIndex_wrapper"
external cursor_is_dynamic_call : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isDynamicCall_wrapper"
external cursor_get_receiver_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_Cursor_getReceiverType_wrapper"
external cursor_get_obj_cproperty_attributes : cxcursor -> int -> int = "clang_Cursor_getObjCPropertyAttributes_wrapper"
external cursor_get_obj_cdecl_qualifiers : cxcursor -> int = "clang_Cursor_getObjCDeclQualifiers_wrapper"
external cursor_is_obj_coptional : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isObjCOptional_wrapper"
external cursor_is_variadic : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_Cursor_isVariadic_wrapper"
external cursor_is_external_symbol : cxcursor -> (string * string * int) option = "clang_Cursor_isExternalSymbol_wrapper"
external cursor_get_comment_range : cxcursor -> cxsourcerange = "clang_Cursor_getCommentRange_wrapper"
external cursor_get_raw_comment_text : cxcursor -> string = "clang_Cursor_getRawCommentText_wrapper"
external cursor_get_brief_comment_text : cxcursor -> string option = "clang_Cursor_getBriefCommentText_wrapper"
external cursor_get_mangling : cxcursor -> string = "clang_Cursor_getMangling_wrapper"
external cursor_get_cxxmanglings : cxcursor -> string array = "clang_Cursor_getCXXManglings_wrapper"
external cursor_get_obj_cmanglings : cxcursor -> string array = "clang_Cursor_getObjCManglings_wrapper"
type cxmodule = Clang__bindings.cxmodule
external cursor_get_module : cxcursor -> cxmodule = "clang_Cursor_getModule_wrapper"
external get_module_for_file : cxtranslationunit -> cxfile -> cxmodule = "clang_getModuleForFile_wrapper"
external module_get_astfile : cxmodule -> cxfile = "clang_Module_getASTFile_wrapper"
external module_get_parent : cxmodule -> cxmodule = "clang_Module_getParent_wrapper"
external module_get_name : cxmodule -> string = "clang_Module_getName_wrapper"
external module_get_full_name : cxmodule -> string = "clang_Module_getFullName_wrapper"
external module_is_system : cxmodule -> bool = "clang_Module_isSystem_wrapper"
external module_get_num_top_level_headers : cxtranslationunit -> cxmodule -> int = "clang_Module_getNumTopLevelHeaders_wrapper"
external module_get_top_level_header : cxtranslationunit -> cxmodule -> int -> cxfile = "clang_Module_getTopLevelHeader_wrapper"
external cxxconstructor_is_converting_constructor : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXConstructor_isConvertingConstructor_wrapper"
external cxxconstructor_is_copy_constructor : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXConstructor_isCopyConstructor_wrapper"
external cxxconstructor_is_default_constructor : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXConstructor_isDefaultConstructor_wrapper"
external cxxconstructor_is_move_constructor : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXConstructor_isMoveConstructor_wrapper"
external cxxfield_is_mutable : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXField_isMutable_wrapper"
external cxxmethod_is_defaulted : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXMethod_isDefaulted_wrapper"
external cxxmethod_is_pure_virtual : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXMethod_isPureVirtual_wrapper"
external cxxmethod_is_static : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXMethod_isStatic_wrapper"
external cxxmethod_is_virtual : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXMethod_isVirtual_wrapper"
external cxxrecord_is_abstract : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXRecord_isAbstract_wrapper"
external enum_decl_is_scoped : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_EnumDecl_isScoped_wrapper"
external cxxmethod_is_const : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_CXXMethod_isConst_wrapper"
external get_template_cursor_kind : cxcursor -> cxcursorkind = "clang_getTemplateCursorKind_wrapper"
external get_specialized_cursor_template : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate_wrapper"
external get_cursor_reference_name_range : cxcursor -> name_flags:int -> piece_index:int -> cxsourcerange = "clang_getCursorReferenceNameRange_wrapper"
external get_cursor_kind_spelling : cxcursorkind -> string = "clang_getCursorKindSpelling_wrapper"
external enable_stack_traces : unit -> unit = "clang_enableStackTraces_wrapper"
type cxcompletionchunkkind = Clang__bindings.cxcompletionchunkkind =
| Optional
| TypedText
| Text
| Placeholder
| Informative
| CurrentParameter
| LeftParen
| RightParen
| LeftBracket
| RightBracket
| LeftBrace
| RightBrace
| LeftAngle
| RightAngle
| Comma
| ResultType
| Colon
| SemiColon
| Equal
| HorizontalSpace
| VerticalSpace
type cxcompletionstring = Clang__bindings.cxcompletionstring
external get_completion_chunk_kind : cxcompletionstring -> int -> cxcompletionchunkkind = "clang_getCompletionChunkKind_wrapper"
external get_completion_chunk_text : cxcompletionstring -> int -> string = "clang_getCompletionChunkText_wrapper"
external get_completion_chunk_completion_string : cxcompletionstring -> int -> cxcompletionstring = "clang_getCompletionChunkCompletionString_wrapper"
external get_num_completion_chunks : cxcompletionstring -> int = "clang_getNumCompletionChunks_wrapper"
external get_completion_priority : cxcompletionstring -> int = "clang_getCompletionPriority_wrapper"
external get_completion_availability : cxcompletionstring -> cxavailabilitykind = "clang_getCompletionAvailability_wrapper"
external get_completion_num_annotations : cxcompletionstring -> int = "clang_getCompletionNumAnnotations_wrapper"
external get_completion_annotation : cxcompletionstring -> int -> string = "clang_getCompletionAnnotation_wrapper"
external get_completion_parent : cxcompletionstring -> string = "clang_getCompletionParent_wrapper"
external get_completion_brief_comment : cxcompletionstring -> string = "clang_getCompletionBriefComment_wrapper"
external get_cursor_completion_string : cxcursor -> cxcompletionstring = "clang_getCursorCompletionString_wrapper"
external default_code_complete_options : unit -> int = "clang_defaultCodeCompleteOptions_wrapper"
external get_clang_version : unit -> string = "clang_getClangVersion_wrapper"
external toggle_crash_recovery : int -> unit = "clang_toggleCrashRecovery_wrapper"
type cxevalresult = Clang__bindings.cxevalresult
external cursor_evaluate : cxcursor -> cxevalresult = "clang_Cursor_Evaluate_wrapper"
type cxevalresultkind = Clang__bindings.cxevalresultkind =
| Int
| Float
| ObjCStrLiteral
| StrLiteral
| CFStr
| Other
| UnExposed
external eval_result_get_kind : cxevalresult -> cxevalresultkind = "clang_EvalResult_getKind_wrapper"
external eval_result_get_as_int : cxevalresult -> int = "clang_EvalResult_getAsInt_wrapper"
external eval_result_get_as_long_long : cxevalresult -> int = "clang_EvalResult_getAsLongLong_wrapper"
external eval_result_is_unsigned_int : cxevalresult -> bool = "clang_EvalResult_isUnsignedInt_wrapper"
external eval_result_get_as_unsigned : cxevalresult -> int = "clang_EvalResult_getAsUnsigned_wrapper"
external eval_result_get_as_double : cxevalresult -> float = "clang_EvalResult_getAsDouble_wrapper"
external eval_result_get_as_str : cxevalresult -> string = "clang_EvalResult_getAsStr_wrapper"
type cxremapping = Clang__bindings.cxremapping
external get_remappings : string -> cxremapping = "clang_getRemappings_wrapper"
external get_remappings_from_file_list : string array -> cxremapping = "clang_getRemappingsFromFileList_wrapper"
external remap_get_num_files : cxremapping -> int = "clang_remap_getNumFiles_wrapper"
type cxindexaction = Clang__bindings.cxindexaction
external index_action_create : cxindex -> cxindexaction = "clang_IndexAction_create_wrapper"
type cxvisitorresult = Clang__bindings.cxvisitorresult =
| Break
| Continue
external type_visit_fields : cxtype -> (cxcursor -> cxvisitorresult) -> bool = "clang_Type_visitFields_wrapper"
type cxint = Clang__bindings.cxint
external equal_cxint : cxint -> cxint -> bool = "clang_equal_cxint_wrapper"
external compare_cxint : cxint -> cxint -> int = "clang_compare_cxint_wrapper"
external ext_integer_literal_get_value : cxcursor -> cxint = "clang_ext_IntegerLiteral_getValue_wrapper"
external ext_int_is_valid : cxint -> bool = "clang_ext_Int_isValid_wrapper"
external ext_int_to_string : cxint -> int -> bool -> string = "clang_ext_Int_toString_wrapper"
external ext_int_round_to_double : cxint -> bool -> float = "clang_ext_Int_roundToDouble_wrapper"
external ext_int_bits_to_float : cxint -> float = "clang_ext_Int_bitsToFloat_wrapper"
external ext_int_get_bit_width : cxint -> int = "clang_ext_Int_getBitWidth_wrapper"
external ext_int_get_active_bits : cxint -> int = "clang_ext_Int_getActiveBits_wrapper"
external ext_int_get_min_signed_bits : cxint -> int = "clang_ext_Int_getMinSignedBits_wrapper"
external ext_int_get_bool_value : cxint -> bool = "clang_ext_Int_getBoolValue_wrapper"
external ext_int_get_sext_value : cxint -> int = "clang_ext_Int_getSExtValue_wrapper"
external ext_int_get_sext_value64 : cxint -> Stdcompat.Int64.t = "clang_ext_Int_getSExtValue64_wrapper"
type cxfloat = Clang__bindings.cxfloat
external equal_cxfloat : cxfloat -> cxfloat -> bool = "clang_equal_cxfloat_wrapper"
external compare_cxfloat : cxfloat -> cxfloat -> int = "clang_compare_cxfloat_wrapper"
external ext_floating_literal_get_value : cxcursor -> cxfloat = "clang_ext_FloatingLiteral_getValue_wrapper"
external ext_float_is_valid : cxfloat -> bool = "clang_ext_Float_isValid_wrapper"
external ext_float_to_string : cxfloat -> string = "clang_ext_Float_toString_wrapper"
external ext_float_convert_to_double : cxfloat -> float = "clang_ext_Float_convertToDouble_wrapper"
external ext_string_literal_get_string : cxcursor -> string = "clang_ext_StringLiteral_GetString_wrapper"
type clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind =
| PostInc
| PostDec
| PreInc
| PreDec
| AddrOf
| Deref
| Plus
| Minus
| Not
| LNot
| Real
| Imag
| Extension
| Coawait
val equal_clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind : clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind -> clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind : clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind -> clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind ->
val pp_clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind : Format.formatter -> clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind : clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external ext_unary_operator_get_opcode : cxcursor -> clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind = "clang_ext_UnaryOperator_getOpcode_wrapper"
external ext_unary_operator_get_opcode_spelling : clang_ext_unaryoperatorkind -> string = "clang_ext_UnaryOperator_getOpcodeSpelling_wrapper"
type clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind =
| PtrMemD
| PtrMemI
| Mul
| Div
| Rem
| Add
| Sub
| Shl
| Shr
| Cmp
| LT
| GT
| LE
| GE
| EQ
| NE
| And
| Xor
| Or
| LAnd
| LOr
| Assign
| MulAssign
| DivAssign
| RemAssign
| AddAssign
| SubAssign
| ShlAssign
| ShrAssign
| AndAssign
| XorAssign
| OrAssign
| Comma
val equal_clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind : clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind -> clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind : clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind -> clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind ->
val pp_clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind : Format.formatter -> clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind : clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external ext_binary_operator_get_opcode : cxcursor -> clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind = "clang_ext_BinaryOperator_getOpcode_wrapper"
external ext_binary_operator_get_opcode_spelling : clang_ext_binaryoperatorkind -> string = "clang_ext_BinaryOperator_getOpcodeSpelling_wrapper"
external ext_for_stmt_get_children_set : cxcursor -> int = "clang_ext_ForStmt_getChildrenSet_wrapper"
external ext_if_stmt_get_children_set : cxcursor -> int = "clang_ext_IfStmt_getChildrenSet_wrapper"
external ext_if_stmt_get_init : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_ext_IfStmt_getInit_wrapper"
external ext_switch_stmt_get_children_set : cxcursor -> int = "clang_ext_SwitchStmt_getChildrenSet_wrapper"
external ext_switch_stmt_get_init : cxcursor -> cxcursor = "clang_ext_SwitchStmt_getInit_wrapper"
external ext_while_stmt_get_children_set : cxcursor -> int = "clang_ext_WhileStmt_getChildrenSet_wrapper"
type clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword =
| Struct
| Interface
| Union
| Class
| Enum
| Typename
| None
val equal_clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword : clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword -> clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword : clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword -> clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword ->
val pp_clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword : Format.formatter -> clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword : clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external ext_elaborated_type_get_keyword : cxtype -> clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword = "clang_ext_ElaboratedType_getKeyword_wrapper"
external ext_elaborated_type_get_keyword_spelling : clang_ext_elaboratedtypekeyword -> string = "clang_ext_ElaboratedType_getKeywordSpelling_wrapper"
external ext_var_decl_has_init : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_ext_VarDecl_hasInit_wrapper"
external ext_member_ref_expr_is_arrow : cxcursor -> bool = "clang_ext_MemberRefExpr_isArrow_wrapper"
external ext_stmt_get_class_name : cxcursor -> string = "clang_ext_Stmt_GetClassName_wrapper"
external ext_stmt_get_class_kind : cxcursor -> int = "clang_ext_Stmt_GetClassKind_wrapper"
type clang_ext_cursorkind = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_cursorkind =
| ImplicitCastExpr
| BinaryConditionalOperator
| UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr
| Unknown
external ext_get_cursor_kind : cxcursor -> clang_ext_cursorkind = "clang_ext_GetCursorKind_wrapper"
type clang_ext_typekind = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typekind =
| Invalid
| Paren
| Elaborated
| Unknown
external ext_get_type_kind : cxtype -> clang_ext_typekind = "clang_ext_GetTypeKind_wrapper"
external ext_get_inner_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_ext_GetInnerType_wrapper"
external ext_variable_array_type_get_size_expr : cxtype -> cxcursor = "clang_ext_VariableArrayType_GetSizeExpr_wrapper"
external ext_asm_stmt_get_asm_string : cxcursor -> string = "clang_ext_AsmStmt_GetAsmString_wrapper"
type clang_ext_characterkind = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_characterkind =
| Ascii
| Wide
| UTF8
| UTF16
| UTF32
val equal_clang_ext_characterkind : clang_ext_characterkind -> clang_ext_characterkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_clang_ext_characterkind : clang_ext_characterkind -> clang_ext_characterkind ->
val pp_clang_ext_characterkind : Format.formatter -> clang_ext_characterkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_clang_ext_characterkind : clang_ext_characterkind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external ext_character_literal_get_character_kind : cxcursor -> clang_ext_characterkind = "clang_ext_CharacterLiteral_GetCharacterKind_wrapper"
external ext_character_literal_get_value : cxcursor -> int = "clang_ext_CharacterLiteral_GetValue_wrapper"
type clang_ext_unaryexpr = Clang__bindings.clang_ext_unaryexpr =
| SizeOf
| AlignOf
| VecStep
| OpenMPRequiredSimdAlign
val equal_clang_ext_unaryexpr : clang_ext_unaryexpr -> clang_ext_unaryexpr -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare_clang_ext_unaryexpr : clang_ext_unaryexpr -> clang_ext_unaryexpr ->
val pp_clang_ext_unaryexpr : Format.formatter -> clang_ext_unaryexpr -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_clang_ext_unaryexpr : clang_ext_unaryexpr -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
external ext_unary_expr_get_kind : cxcursor -> clang_ext_unaryexpr = "clang_ext_UnaryExpr_GetKind_wrapper"
external ext_unary_expr_get_argument_type : cxcursor -> cxtype = "clang_ext_UnaryExpr_GetArgumentType_wrapper"
external ext_type_get_named_type : cxtype -> cxtype = "clang_ext_Type_getNamedType_wrapper"

The module includes Clang__compat which contains compatibility implementations for some functions and type definitions that are missing in old versions of Clang API.

include module type of sig ... end

Parsing files and strings

val parse_file : ?⁠index:cxindex -> ?⁠command_line_args:string list -> ?⁠unsaved_files:cxunsavedfile list -> ?⁠options:Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> string -> cxtranslationunit

parse_file ?index ?command_line_args ?unsaved_files ?options filename parses file filename and returns its translation unit. This function is equivalent to Clang.parse_translation_unit2, with, by default, a fresh index (created by Clang.create_index true true), an empty list for command_line_args and unsaved_files, and default options (obtained by Clang.default_editing_translation_unit_options). See also Clang.Ast.parse_file which returns a pattern-matchable representation of the AST.

val parse_file_res : ?⁠index:cxindex -> ?⁠command_line_args:string list -> ?⁠unsaved_files:cxunsavedfile list -> ?⁠options:Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> string -> (cxtranslationunitcxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result

Equivalent to parse_file but returns a result instead of raising Failure _ if parsing fails.

val parse_string : ?⁠index:cxindex -> ?⁠filename:string -> ?⁠command_line_args:string list -> ?⁠unsaved_files:cxunsavedfile list -> ?⁠options:Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> string -> cxtranslationunit

parse_string ?index ?filename ?command_line_args ?unsaved_files ?options contents parses string contents and returns its translation unit. This function calls Clang.parse_file with an unsaved file called filename (by default, <string>.c) with contents: this unsaved file is consed to the list unsaved_files (by default, an empty list). Note that filename should have the .cpp suffix to parse C++ code (for instance, <string>.cpp). See also Clang.Ast.parse_string which returns a pattern-matchable representation of the AST.

val parse_string_res : ?⁠index:cxindex -> ?⁠filename:string -> ?⁠command_line_args:string list -> ?⁠unsaved_files:cxunsavedfile list -> ?⁠options:Cxtranslationunit_flags.t -> string -> (cxtranslationunitcxerrorcode) Stdcompat.result

Equivalent to parse_string but returns a result instead of raising Failure _ if parsing fails.

Abstract syntax tree

module Ast : sig ... end
module Type : sig ... end

AST types as ordered types.

module Expr : sig ... end

AST expressions as ordered types.

module Stmt : sig ... end

AST statements as ordered types.

module Decl : sig ... end

AST declarations as ordered types.

module Enum_constant : sig ... end

AST enumeration constants as ordered types.


val iter_children : (cxcursor -> unit) -> cxcursor -> unit

iter_children f cur calls f over all the direct child nodes of cur.

val list_of_children : cxcursor -> cxcursor list

list_of_children cur returns the list of all the direct child nodes of cur.

val iter_type_fields : (cxcursor -> unit) -> cxtype -> unit

iter_type_fields f ty calls f over all the declaration nodes of the fields belonging to the record type ty (either a struct or union). See also Clang.Type.iter_fields for a higher-level interface.

val list_of_type_fields : cxtype -> cxcursor list

list_of_type_fields f ty returns the list of all the declaration nodes of the fields belonging to the record type ty (either a struct or union).

Integer conversions

val int64_of_cxint_opt : cxint -> Stdcompat.Int64.t option

int64_of_cxint_opt x returns Some i if x is representable as a 64-bit integer value i, or None otherwise.

val int64_of_cxint : cxint -> Stdcompat.Int64.t

int64_of_cxint x returns i if x is representable as a 64-bit integer value i, or raises Failure _ otherwise.

val int_of_cxint_opt : cxint -> int option

int_of_cxint_opt x returns Some i if x is representable as an integer value i, or None otherwise.

val int_of_cxint : cxint -> int

int_of_cxint x returns i if x is representable as an integer value i, or raises Failure _ otherwise.

val string_of_cxint : cxint -> string

string_of_cxint f is an alias for Clang__bindings.ext_int_to_string, radix 10 and signed.

Floating conversions

val float_of_cxfloat : cxfloat -> float

float_of_cxfloat f is an alias for Clang__bindings.ext_float_convert_to_double.

val string_of_cxfloat : cxfloat -> string

string_of_cxfloat f is an alias for Clang__bindings.ext_float_to_string.

Error management

val string_of_cxerrorcode : cxerrorcode -> string

string_of_cxerrorcode ec returns a message describing ec.

val seq_of_diagnostics : cxtranslationunit -> cxdiagnostic Stdcompat.Seq.t

seq_of_diagnostics tu returns the diagnostics (warnings and errors) produced for the given translation unit

val is_error : cxdiagnosticseverity -> bool

is_error d returns whether d is Error or Fatal.

val has_error : cxtranslationunit -> bool

has_error tu returns whether the translation unit tu produced an error.